Community Grants Form

Grants to Local Groups

Mold Town Council sets aside £3,350 per financial year for its Grants Programme.
Eligibility for a Grant; 
• Your project/ event/ activity must benefit the people of Mold.
• You can be an informal group
• Demonstrate how the activity/ community group or organisation links to one of the 7 Well Being Goals for Wales (Well-being of Future Generations Act, 2015):
o A prosperous Wales
o A resilient Wales
o A healthier Wales
o A more equal Wales
o A Wales of cohesive communities
o A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
o A globally responsible Wales
• Groups can only receive grant once in a financial year.

What are grants given for?
The following guidelines are given to help groups determine whether they qualify for assistance. Groups can apply for grants to cover:

  1. The capital costs, or a contribution towards the costs of, any new or replacement equipment that may be required to assist the group in its activities
  2. The costs, or a contribution towards the costs involved in the presentation of an event, concert, performance or specific activity produced by a local group
  3. The costs involved in the establishment of a new local voluntary or charitable group.

In addition, Mold Town Council will give consideration to requests for grants towards the general running costs of any group. The Town Council will consider giving a commitment for a contribution for up to a period of three years towards these general running costs. These applications will only be considered at the January meeting of the Town Council.

How the scheme works
Please contact the town clerk to request an application form for a grant or click Community Grants Form to access an electronic version (Word). 

A group of councillors will consider all applications to make sure they meet the criteria as outlined in Mold Town Council Community Grant Policy

Deadline Dates for Community Grant Applications 2024/2025

4th September 2024, 5pm - Decision made on the 10th September 2024. 

4th December 2024, 5pm - Decision made on the  10th December 2024.

5th March 2025. 5pm - Decision made on the 11th March 2025. 

So far in 2024/25 we have provided grant to:

  1. Mold and Buckley Roundtable - £200
  2. Friends of Bailey Hill - £250
  3. Positive Futures, Mold - £992
  4. Nightingale House Hospice - £200
  5. Mold and District Choral Society - £250
  6. Deeside Defenders Gaming Club - £200 
  7. 50+Action Group Flintshire - £100